Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pride Weekend Nuggets!!! :-D

TGIF! Have a glorious weekend! :-) 


The greatest act of courage is to be and to own all of who you are—without apology, without excuses, without masks to cover the truth of who you are.
                        ~ Debbie Ford


 The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose.
                        ~ Kahlil Gibran


Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.
                       ~ David W. Augsburger


Life is a field of infinite possibilities and an opportunity to evolve in the direction of truthfulness, beauty and harmony.
                        ~ Deepak Chopra


A place belongs forever to whoever claims it hardest, remembers it most obsessively, wrenches it from itself, shapes it, renders it, loves it so radically that he remakes it in his own image.
                        ~ Joan Didion


Problems are the gifts that make us dig out and figure out who we are, what we're made for, and what we're responsible to give back to life.
                        ~ Tony Robbins


Daily Om

Leaving a Relationship
The Direction of Happiness

Leaving a long-term relationship is hard but a necessary step to receiving what you want in your life.

One of the hardest decisions we ever make in life is leaving a long-term relationship that just isn‚t working. When attempts at repairing and working out issues aren't working, it may be time to examine moving on. We are emotional creatures, and when our heartstrings are tied to those of another, separating from that person can feel like an act of courage. It is not something most of us will take lightly, and many of us will struggle with our desire to stay in a relationship that is unfulfilling simply in order to avoid that pain. We may question whether the happiness we seek even exists, and we may wonder if we might be wiser to simply settle where we are, making the best of what we have.  

On the one hand, we almost relish the idea that true happiness is not out there so that we can avoid the pain of change. On the other hand, we feel within ourselves a yearning to fulfill our desire for relationships that are vital and healing. Ultimately, most of us will follow this call, because deep within ourselves we know that we deserve to be happy. We all deserve to be happy, no matter where we find ourselves in this moment, and we are all justified in moving, like plants toward the light, in the direction that leads to our greatest fulfillment. First, though, we may need to summon the courage to move on from the relationship that appears to be holding us back.  

Taking the first steps will be hard, but the happiness we find when we have freed ourselves from a situation that is draining our energy will outshine any hardship we undergo to get there. Keeping our eyes trained on the horizon, we begin the work of disentangling ourselves from the relationship that no longer fits. Every step brings us closer to a relationship that will work, and the freedom we need to find the happiness we deserve. 

Saying Yes to the Universe
Making the Decision 

Saying Yes to the universe opens the gate to receiving what your soul really wants.

The hardest thing about saying yes to the universe is that it means accepting everything life puts in front of us. Most of us have a habit of going through our days saying no to the things we don't like and yes to the things we do, and yet, everything we encounter is our life. We may be afraid that if we say yes to the things we don't like, we will be stuck with them forever, but really, it is only through acknowledging the existence of what's not working for us that we can begin the process of change. So saying yes doesn't mean indiscriminately accepting things that don't work for us. It means conversing with the universe, and starting the conversation with a very powerful word: yes.

When we say yes to the universe, we enter into a state of trust that whatever our situation is, we can work with it. We express confidence in ourselves, and the universe, and we also express a willingness to learn from whatever comes our way, rather than running and hiding when we don't like what we see. The question we might ask ourselves is what it will take for us to get to the point of saying yes. For some of us, it takes coming up against something we can't ignore, escape, or deny, and so we are left no choice but to say yes. For others, it just seems a natural progression of events that leads us to making the decision to say yes to life.

The first step to saying yes is realizing that in the end it is so much easier than the alternative. Once we understand this, we can begin examining the moments when we resist what is happening, and experiment with occasionally saying yes instead. It might be scary at first, and even painful at times, but if we continue to say yes to every moment through the process, we will discover the joy of being in  a positive conversation with a force much bigger than ourselves. 


Notes from the Universe

It's not the steps that matter, but the path. 

All is well,
    The Universe


The best way to forgive, is not to blame. 

Lovin' you, 
    The Universe


Always, the strong carry the weak, the rich carry the poor, the healthy carry the sick, and the happy carry the sad. 

And whether or not they remember it, this was once their promise, to thank those who carried them. 

I'm totally goose bumped, 
    The Universe


Do you know what I'd really, really like?

For you to know that I think about you every moment of every day. 

    The Universe


Rainbows and butterflies, cattails and dandelions, waterfalls and rain forests, puppy dogs and dragonflies, sea foam and orcas, sunshine and comets, snowflakes and icicles, wildflowers and You... 

Did I think of everything, or what?  

Crazy, sexy, cool, 
    The Universe


No one can see into your heart.

Which is why you sometimes have to show them how you feel. 

Happy Valentine's Day, 8 months early -
    The Universe


Are you practicing your "Whooohooooo!"?

Are you practicing as if it were to be heard by millions upon millions? 

I think you might consider it,
    The Universe


The Teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Do you have to think specific positive thoughts about your body in order for your body to be the way you want it to be? No. But you have to not think the specific negative thoughts. If you could never again think about your body and, instead, just think pleasant thoughts — your body would reclaim its place of Well-being. 


Relative to our children or any children with whom we would interact, our one dominant intention would be to give them a conscious understanding of how powerful and important and valuable and perfect they are. Every word that would come out of our mouths would be a word that would be offered with the desire to help this individual know that they are powerful. It would be a word of empowerment. We would set the Tone for upliftment and understand that everything will gravitate to that Tone if we would maintain it consistently. 


When you take the problems of the world on your shoulders, your body doesn't feel good. It's just that simple. Leave the problems of the world to the individual problem-makers of the world, and you be the joy-seeker that you are.


Hypothetically, people worry about everyone being selfishly oriented. "If everyone did exactly what they want to do, what kind of world would this be?" And we say, a really, really good one. Because if everyone did what they wanted to do, everyone would feel free. And if you feel free, you feel empowered. And every negative emotion that exists—hear this—every negative emotion that exists is because there is some sense of loss of freedom somewhere in there. 


You don't have to protect yourself from anything! In fact, an attitude of protection will surely bring you to the vibration of the thing from which you're protecting yourself. Because you can't look at something and say, "Oh no, I'm saying a prayer to protect myself from you," without achieving vibrational harmony with "you", whatever you are. 


One Minute Motivator by Edward W. Smith

What do you have to do right now to get your life moving? In order to get on course, you have to be moving.  Chances are that certain parts of your life are stalled and things aren't moving for you. Identify those parts that are stalled and start them moving again, so you can get back on track. If you leave them stalled, you will go nowhere and this is not where you want to be.  Take some action, see where it gets you, correct your course and get moving in the direction you want, but most importantly, get moving.


Remember to take care of your body, it has to be there, for you to make it to the top. Take care of the basics like losing weight, stopping smoking, driving safely, etc. You know what has to be done, the key thing is doing it.  It isn't easy, but it has to be done, it is part of the requirements of success.  If your body can't deliver the level of performance the rest of you is capable of, you are robbing yourself of your shot at success.


Make a decision right now and implement it starting right now.  Once you make a decision and start moving, things fall into place for you.  Indecision clogs your life up and slows you down.  Making decisions and moving on streamlines your life.  Stop waiting until you have that last piece of information, or for things to be perfect; if you are in the ball park of what you need, go for it.  Give some thought to what decisions you have to make today and get ready to make them.  Look at what information you have, what the latest conditions are, etc, and then make some decisions and watch you life move on.


Daily Teaching from The Power

"The power for happiness, for good, for everything we need of life is within each one of us. The power is there - unlimited power."
                        ~ Robert Collier (1885-1950)
                        New Thought Author

Everything has a frequency - everything! Every word has a frequency, every sound, every color, every tree, animal, plant, mineral, every material object. Every type of food and liquid has a frequency. Every place, city, and country has a frequency. The elements of air, fire, earth, and water all have frequencies. Health, disease, plenty of money, a lack of money, success and failure all have frequencies. Every event, situation, and circumstance has a frequency. Even your name has a frequency. But the real name of your frequency is what you are feeling! And whatever you're feeling is bringing everything into your life that's on a similar frequency to you.

When you are feeling happy, and you keep feeling happy, then only happy people, circumstances, and events can come into your life. If you feel stressed, and you keep feeling stressed, then only more stress can come into your life through people, circumstances and events. You have seen this happen when you've been rushing because you're running late. Rushing is a negative feeling, and as surely as the sun shines, when you rush and feel the fear of being late, you bring every delay and obstacle into your path. It's the law of attraction working in your life. 

Do you see how important it is that you feel good before you begin your day? If you don't take the time to feel good, then you can't receive good things in your day. And once negative things come, it takes far more effort to change them, because once they're in front of you, you really believe in them! It is much easier to take the time to feel good so that they don't come in the first place. You can change anything in your life by changing the way you feel, but isn't it a better idea to have more good things come to you in the first place?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Weekend nuggets!!!

TGIF...almost...Enjoy!!! :-) 


Little changes [and] little choices add up to be revolutionary changes in your life.
                        ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach


Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness.
                        ~ Thich Nhat Hanh


We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.
                        ~ E.E. Cummings


Time is constantly moving on, second by second. Nothing can stop it, but what we can do is use our time properly; that is in our hands. Whether we believe in a spiritual tradition or not, we need to use our time meaningfully. If over days, weeks, months and years, we have used our time in a meaningful way - when our last day comes, we will be happy, we will have no regrets.
                        ~ The Dalai Lama


Everyone has oceans to fly, if they have the heart to do it. Is it reckless? Maybe. But what do dreams know of boundaries?
                        ~ Amelia Earheart


The Pursuit of Conscious Wholeness

Our bodies are living, breathing expressions of our consciousness and should be treated as such.

Striking the right balance between our physical and spiritual aspects is one of the most challenging aspects of existence. We are dual beings by nature, spiritual entities bound to earth by physical bodies. In our lifetimes, we are charged with the duty of nurturing and tending both with equal devotion and love. Yet while both aspects of the self are deserving of honor and respect, there is a tendency for people who are more spiritually focused to ignore, avoid, or dismiss their bodies. Similarly, many individuals are entirely ensconced in the carnal realm and pay no attention to the needs of the soul. In both cases, an adjustment is in order. We are whole only to the degree that we embrace both sides of our beings.

If the soul is the inward manifestation of our consciousness, the body is the living, breathing expression of that consciousness. The physical self provides the home in which the spiritual self takes root and flourishes. Just as we must tend to the seed of the soul to ensure that it grows strong, so, too, must we care for the protective shell that is the body to make certain it is capable of playing its role in our development. Though there will no doubt be times in our lives when we feel more comfortable focusing on the spiritual self or the physical self, denying the fundamental importance of one or the other can lead to ill health, emotional distress, and a sense of incompleteness. Both facets of the human experience play a vital role in our well-being.

The body and the soul are the yin and yang of our current reality. They are, at this point of human evolution, irreparably bound together, and many spiritual teachers agree that the body is one of the greatest vehicles through which to access the soul. In fact, many believe that our spirit has chosen to be embodied as an essential part of our spiritual development. Consequently, it is the responsibility of each person on the planet to forge a marriage between the two, so that these disparate aspects bring out the best in each other, creating a vibrant, dynamic, and workable whole.
                        ~ Daily Om


Notes from the Universe

Funny, huh, how some folks think that avoiding challenges will bring them peace?

As if the peace they now know didn't come from earlier challenges that were faced, and mastered.

OK - not really that funny,
    The Universe


There are only two types of dreams.

Those that have come true. And those that are coming true.

    The Universe 


You need not set out to create a masterpiece.

You are one.

    The Universe


Do you have any idea of how fast angels fly? How brilliant they are? How silently they work? How deeply they love? How creative they can be? How cleverly they blend in?

Oh, hey, nice orchestra. Do they follow you everywhere?

    The Universe


For every setback, disappointment and heartbreak, ask yourself, "What does this create the opportunity for?"

And therein you will find its gift.

Everything has a reason,
    The Universe


I think you already feel it, but a really HUGE wave of LOVE is coming your way.

Once-in-a-lifetime HUGE.

Hang ten,
    The Universe


The Teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks

You cannot look at that which you do not want and not join and perpetuate that vibration. Take your attention from that which is not in harmony with who you are, and your "now vibration" will adjust to who you really are — and then you can uplift others.


How do you ever get the truth to be more the way you want it to be? You've just got to start beating the drums of truth the way you want it to be - and when you do, you will immediately feel good. And there are those who might say, "Oh, you're not facing the fact." And we say, we would never face any fact that was taking us to a place we don't want to be.


There are those who believe that the world is getting more and more desperate. We are here to tell you that the world is getting better and better, and better, and that every experience you have causes you to launch rockets of desires, and Source comes in response to those rockets. And the best thing about your birth and death is that the resistant ones die and the allowing ones are born. And with this combination of contrast that keeps you launching new and new desires, it's no wonder that the Universe is expanding in this marvelous way and that life is getting better, in every day - and in this moment - for everyone who insists on focusing there.


A belief is nothing more than a chronic pattern of thought, and you have the ability—if you try even a little bit—to begin a new pattern, to tell a new story, to achieve a different vibration, to change your point of attraction. The Law of Attraction is responding to your vibration, and you can easily change your vibrational point of attraction by visualizing the lifestyle you desire and holding your attention upon those images until you begin to feel relief, which will indicate that a true vibrational shift has occurred.


Everything is vibrational. "I'm letting it in or I'm not. And I'm using lots of things as my excuse to let it in, or as my excuse not to let it in." But it's all vibrational. Otherwise, we should be able to take 100 people, give them all identical exposure to experience, and get identical results. And you can't do that. You'd get 100 different results, and you'd get several big differences in results.


My Imagination Attracts All Cooperative Relationships... You have the power to evoke from others the relationships that you desire. But you cannot get to a new-and-improved situation by giving your attention to the current situation. The Universe, and all physical and Non-Physical players in it, is responding to the Vibrations that you are offering; and there is no distinction made between the Vibrations that you offer as you observe, and the Vibrations that you offer as you imagine. . . . If you will simply imagine your life as you want it to be, all cooperative components will be summoned. And even more important, all components that are summoned will cooperate. It is Law. The experience that you have with others is about what you evoke from them.


One Minute Motivator by Edward W. Smith

Worried that you don't have all that it takes?  No one does.  The key is to use all that you do have, and to find the niche where what you do have fits.  Max out the good points you have and keep looking for the fit for what you have.  What is needed out there keeps changing, so if you didn't "fit" yesterday, you might fit today and you will surely fit tomorrow.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  This applies to you as well.  Many of us who aren't happy with the way things are, go out and try to change everything about ourselves. The fact is that there are many things about yourself that are perfect the way they are, and changing them will only makes things worse for you.  Figure out what is working for you and leave it alone, don't change that part of you that is perfect the way it is.


Action is the best remedy for discouragement.  When you are discouraged, you don't know where to go, whom to call, etc., take action on your dreams by doing something, almost anything; just get started on something.  Get other people involved in your dream, so they can give you advice on what to do, where to go etc.  Don't let discouragement stop you from taking some sort of action, as that is the key to moving yourself out of the depression and moving you back towards your goals.


Goals are nice, but don't forget to live your life.  When we have goals, we sometimes stop thinking about the present, and the present is where we live.  Find something to be happy for, now.  Don't wait till "if" or "when" something happens, until you will be happy.  Whatever you are waiting for is probably a ways off.  Enjoy where you are now; enjoy the process you are going through, enjoy the moment.  If you wait till conditions are just right to be happy, you are limiting your enjoyment of life.  What you are waiting for may never come, but now is here in this moment. So what are you waiting for in order to be happy?  There is always something that we are waiting for and then life will begin.  Stop waiting until you get that promotion, raise, perfect mate, etc., so you can be happy.  It is nice to attain the big goals, but usually the glow of achievement is short lived and we need to move on to the next goal. There will always be problems in your life and there will always be things that you want.  If you wait for your problems to go away, or for you to have the perfect life, you will never be happy.  You must choose to be happy, independently of events that life throws you, or if you haven't achieved your goal yet.  Learn to be happy you are in the process of getting these things, or learn to be happy with what you have now, but you must find a way to be happy with what you have, where you are for the moment.  Get on with your life and start smiling.


Daily Teaching from The Power

Points of Power 

  • What you continually give to your body with your beliefs or strong feelings, you receive in your body. Every feeling you have saturates every cell and organ in your entire body.
  • You are the ruler of a kingdom, and your cells are your most loyal subjects who serve you without question, so whatever you think and feel becomes the law of your kingdom - the law within your body.
  • When you give negative thoughts and feelings of what you don't want, the force of health to your cells reduces! When you feel love for anything - for a sunny day, new house, friend, or promotion - your body receives the full force of health.
  • Gratitude is the great multiplier, so say thank you for your health every single day.
  • Say thank you with all your heart for what you do like about your body, and ignore the things you don't like.
  • To see your health improve, give love to health more than fifty percent of the time. Just 51 percent is the tipping point from sickness to health.
  • If you are facing illness, do your best not to own it with your thoughts and words. Instead, give love to health, own health, and make it yours.
  • Give love for the perfect weight, perfect body, perfect health of an organ, and imagine having it, and be utterly grateful for everything you do have!
  • If you believe that your body will deteriorate with age, you are giving out that belief, and the law of attraction must return those circumstances to you.
  • Feel young and stop feeling your age.
  • Your body will change into whatever you want, through your feelings of love and gratitude.  

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pre-weekend nuggets!!!

in case you've been missing them, some really juicy nuggets to marinate in...enjoy! :-) 


When you lose touch with your inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself.
                        ~ Eckhart Tolle


Taking responsibility for your beliefs and judgments gives you the power to change them.
                        ~ Byron Katie


The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Scatter sunshine, forget yourself, and think of others.
                        ~ Norman Vincent Peale 


I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance; to live so that which comes to me as seed goes to the next as blossom and that which comes to me as blossom, goes on as fruit.
                        ~ Dawna Markova


Quickie question: Why do you want lotsa money?

Your most-likely answer: So as to buy lotsa stuff – and be happy, dammit!

But does more money and more stuff really lead to more happiness?

“Standard of living has increased dramatically and happiness has increased not at all, and in some cases has diminished slightly,” says Professor Daniel Kahneman of the University of Princeton.

Interestingly… Bhutan, a remote Himalayan kingdom, has consistently remained one of the happier places in our world – even though it is not close to being one of the richest.

Their secret? Their government creates policies based on Gross National Happiness.

This includes:

1. Banning advertising – because the science of happiness shows advertising is a major cause of unhappiness – creating envy by making people feel “less well-off.”

2. Pushing for more exercise and healthier eating. In fact the Bhutan government actually discourages junk food – along with cigarettes and alcohol – recognizing the healthier the body, the happier the mind!

The idea that politics should be about creating “the greatest happiness of the greatest number” is actually not new. It goes back to Jeremy Bentham, an 18th century philosopher, who tried to get politicians to create policies which upped citizen’s general happiness levels.

Recently Bentham’s ideas have been dusted off and revisited in Britain, where the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit held a “Life Satisfaction” seminar and considered the following concepts:

1. creating a happiness index

2. teaching people about happiness

3. encouraging more support for volunteering

4. creating a “more leisured work-life balance”

5. creating higher taxes for the rich – so there’d be less of a division between the very rich and very poor — and thereby less envy and its accompanying depression affects.

Britain’s Richard Layard, author of HAPPINESS: LESSONS FOR A NEW SCIENCE, is also actively pushing the government to immediately employ another 10,000 therapists – so as to increase the happiness of citizens!

With all this in mind, I want you to stop overly-focusing on how much money you’re making, and re-focus on how much happiness you’re making!


1. Avoid poison envy. Consistently studies show comparison kills happiness. Consciously re-focus on what you have. Try to end your day with “A 3 Blessings List” – recognizing three things which went well – and why!

2. Spend loving time with friends and family – for both more happiness and more health! Get this: Studies show friendship wards off germs! Just as stress triggers ill health, the greater your friendships, the greater the protective effect against ill health!

3. Live a life with meaning and purpose. How? Appreciate how what you do in your job, and contribute to your friends, family and community — all matters! Look for new ways to give back to the people around you. Altruism is actually an act of self-interest. Studies consistently show that people who are involved with volunteerism are a happier group.

4. Keep trying to use your “signature strength” in new ways. It will increase your self esteem – which increases happiness. Plus you’ll be tapping into 3 other big happiness boosters: newness, challenge, consistent growth!
                        ~ Karen Salmansohn


The First Moments of the Day
Conscious Creation

Each morning when we awake, we have an opportunity to create our day with what inspires us the most.
The moment during the day when we very first open our eyes and come into consciousness is a precious opportunity. It sets the tone for all that comes after it, like the opening scene in a film or novel. At this moment, our ability to create the day is at its most powerful, and we can offer ourselves fully to the creative process by filling this moment with whatever inspires us most. It may be that we want to be more generous, or it may be that we want to be more open to beauty in our daily lives. Whatever the case, if we bring this vision into our minds at this very fertile moment, we empower it to be the guiding principle of our day.  

Sometimes we wake up with a mood already seemingly in place, and it's important to give this feeling its due. It can inform us and deepen our awareness to what's going on inside us, as well as around us. As long as we are conscious, we can honor this feeling and also introduce our new affirmation or vision, our conscious offering to the day. We may want to decide before we go to sleep what we want to bring to the next day of our lives. It could be that we simply want to be more open to whatever comes our way. Or we may want to summon a particular quality such as confidence. Then again, we may simply call up a feeling that perfectly captures the texture we want our day to have.
We can reaffirm our vision or affirmation as we shower and eat breakfast, as well as recalling it at various times throughout the day. We can write it down and carry it with us on a little slip of paper if this helps. Simply by being aware of those first moments, we set the stage for a more conscious, enlivened experience, and we become active participants in the creation of our lives.
                        ~ Daily Om


when we feel we have lost our way or a little off course on our path, there is usually an urge to clean house, go through stuff & purge, cleanse, detox, empty, meditate, study, basically {eventually} wipe the slate clean and go back to the drawing board.

" the ordinary human personality, love is confused with obtaining one's desires and, as such, it appears as an elusive experience based on external acquisitions. to the ordinary spiritual aspirant, love is confused with obtaining some psychic or spiritual experience, such as a vision. love then appears to be something that must to sought and therefore, it remains an elusive experience based on externals.

the bhakti yogi, however, realizes that he is not seeking love, but that it is love that is seeking him. his task is not to make himself into something special, whereby he can acquire love; his task is to make himself into nothing, a vessel empty of selfish individuality. when the vessel is empty, then god can fill it with divine love. this emptying of the sense of egoic personality is referred to as 'the great disappearing act'. the ego disappears and love appears...."
~ tho yoga of spiritual devotion by prem prakash
empty the vessel. get shiny and clean. your real self. the same as everyone else.
heed the advice of others, but always listen to the compass inside...
                         ~ Sangeeta Vallabhan


Notes from the Universe

Generally, typically, and most of the time, it's those who consider themselves to be the least spiritually mature who are the most, and vice versa.  

Holy cow,  
    The Universe


One of the most stringent conditions all angels must meet, other than double-advanced harp playing and skydiving abilities (not necessarily at the same time), is that they must not allow themselves to feel hurt or rejected by the choices made by others, no matter how much they've done for them nor how great their love.

Yeah, WOW.  
    The Universe


Life's magic is a lot like a swift flowing river. No matter how long you've overlooked it or unwittingly swam against it, the instant you stop struggling you're back in the flow, hat down low, coolest cat on the block.

In other words, your so-called "baggage," ain't no thang. 

Coolio - 
    The Universe


In a slightly different world, if dogs believed in "soul mates" when it came to choosing their owners... can you imagine how lonesome most would be?

Oh, there's definitely room for "picky", but there's also room for "surprise me." 

Surprise me, 
    The Universe


I have to admit, when we thought of adding the dimension of "time" to space, it was not wildly popular. 

True, it would make possible evolution, reunions, and cute before-and-after photos. But it would add to the illusion of separation... "horror of horrors!" Spontaneous manifestations would spontaneously cease... "eee-gad!" And the only way anyone could get anything done, would be if they held onto and moved with their vision in thought, word, and deed, even when present circumstances appeared ABSOLUTELY unchanged for their efforts... yeah, "SIGN ME UP!!!!" 

Thinking of you beaming with childlike joy - 
    The Universe


'The Teachings of Abraham' by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Is it reality, or is it not reality? All things are reality. Even if only one is imagining it, it is a reality in that the thought has been offered and someone, who has the ability to translate that vibration, will perceive it. It must be fair to say that anything that can be perceived must be reality. Because, as creators, your reality depends upon what you are willing to imagine and allow.


There is a Life Stream that flows to you, and this is a Stream of clarity, a Stream of wellness, a Stream of abundance... and in any moment, you are allowing it or not. What someone else does with the Stream, or not, does not have anything to do with how much of it will be left for you. This Stream is as abundant as your ideas allow it to be.


In your action, you lose sight of the vision, you lose sight of your trust in the process, and you just bang around in a sense of futility. Hold the vision and trust that the Universe will acclimate to your vision. Hold the vision and trust the process.


Nobody else knows your reason for being. You do. Your bliss guides you to it. When you follow your bliss, when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy — you're right on the path of that which you intended when you came forth into this physical body


Discipline means doing within, not doing without. Discipline means using all those inner conversations we have with ourselves and using them to move ourselves towards our goals.  Discipline starts deep inside us and translates into the actions we need to accomplish what we want.  Use thoughts to move yourself ahead, not behind and take action to carry out those thoughts, once you have them going where you want them to go.


Daily Motivator by Edward W. Smith

You can change your future, if you change your goals.  You are not stuck where you are now, forever.  You can change your future, if you decide that you want something different.  If you are not happy with where you are now, give careful thought to where you would like to be, and then start planning what it takes to get what is needed to get there. Then, most importantly, start to implement the plan.


While you are getting ready, someone else is already doing it.  Stop putting things off, don't be such a perfectionist, give it your best shot and do it.  Procrastination affects all of us to some degree or another, and many of us have a hard time seeing it in ourselves.  So assume that you are a procrastinator, even if you think you are not, and start doing things quicker and move on with your life.


Create a Board of Directors for yourself.  Create an imaginary group of advisors to help you make decisions.  Make up a list of the top experts in the field you are making a decision in, and ask yourself, what each of those people would probably tell you to do.  Read their books, check their websites, etc. and get an insight into their thinking, then bring it back to your decision.  You will be amazed how just asking yourself how an expert you have in mind, would handle it, will improve your decision making.


Give your ideas wings.  You have a number of great ideas every day, but most of us let them go by without taking any action.  Take the next great idea you have, and start the steps needed to make it happen, as soon as you have the idea.  Don't let the great ideas fade away without action; use the momentum you have when you are excited about the idea, to propel you into implementing it.


Daily Teaching from The Power by Rhonda Byrne

Love Is Behind Every Miracle

All miracles are the force of love at work. Miracles are created by turning away from negativity and focusing on only love. Even if you have been a pessimist all your life, it is never too late.

A pessimist is exactly how one man described himself. When this man received the surprise news from his wife that they were expecting their third child, his every thought was of how negative the impact of a third child would be in their lives. But what he didn't realize was exactly how these negative thoughts and feelings would play out for him.

At just over the halfway point of his wife's pregnancy, she had to be rushed to the hospital and an emergency C-section had to be performed. Three separate specialists said that at 23 weeks weeks' gestation, the baby had a zero percent chance of survival. The man was brought to his knees. He had never expected to lose a child.

After the C-section, the father was taken to the side of the room to see his son, the smallest baby he had ever seen. His son was born 10 inches in length and weighed only 12 ounces. The medical staff tried to inflate the baby's lungs with a ventilator, but his heart rate was decreasing. The specialist said there was nothing they would be able to do. The father screamed out in his mind, "Please!" At that exact moment, the ventilator inflated his son's lungs and his heart rate began to climb.

Days passed. All the physicians in the hospital kept saying that the baby would not make it. But this man who had been a pessimist all of his life began to imagine what he wanted. Every night when he went to bed, he imagined the light of love shining on his son. When he woke in the morning, he would give thanks to God that his son had survived through the night.

Each day his son made progress, and he overcame every obstacle that was thrown at him. After four grueling months in intensive care, he and his wife were able to take their baby - who had been given a zero percent chance of survival - home.

Love is behind every miracle.