Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Nuggets!

Wonderful food for thought on this day of remembrance...enjoy!


Everything is just as it needs to be. And if we would forgive, our minds and hearts would open and we could see another possibility.
                        ~ Iyanla Vanzant 


The theme you choose may change or simply elude you, but being your own story means you can always choose the tone.
                        ~ Toni Morrison 


Life is a never ending miracle unfolding in every moment, and if we turn our attention to that silent presence in our heart, we can participate in that miracle.   
                        ~Deepak Chopra  


Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. 

                        ~ Deepak Chopra  


The pursuit of your life is to come into [your] purpose. And the waste of your life is to miss that purpose."
                        ~ T.D. Jakes 


Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.
                        ~ Anthony Robbins 


The Status Quo
Life as We Know It
Our lives can sometimes become status quo and that is ok as long as we aren't keeping it that way on purpose.
When our lives are going well, and sometimes even when they aren�t, we may find ourselves feeling very attached to the status quo of our existence--life as we know it. It is a very human tendency to resist change as though it were possible to simply decide not to do it, or have it in our lives. But change will come and the status quo will go, sooner or later, with our consent or without it. We may find at the end of the day that we feel considerably more empowered when we find the courage to ally ourselves with the universal force of change, rather than working against it.
Of course, the answer is not to go about changing things at random, without regard to whether they are working or not. There is a time and place for stability and the preservation of what has been gained over time. In fact, the ability to stabilize and preserve what is serving us is part of what helps us to survive and thrive. The problem comes when we become more attached to preserving the status quo than to honoring the universal givens of growth and change. For example, if we allow a situation we are in to remain stagnant simply because we are comfortable, it may be time for us to summon up the courage to challenge the status quo.  

This may be painful at times, or surprisingly liberating, and it will most likely be a little of both. Underneath the discomfort, we will probably find excitement and energy as we take the risk of unblocking the natural flow of energy in our lives. It is like dismantling a dam inside ourselves, because most of the work involves clearing our own inner obstacles so that the river of our life can flow unobstructed. Once we remove the obstacles, we can simply go with the flow, trusting the changes that follow.

Centering and Expressing

Expressing ourselves honestly in any relationship is essential to our well-being.
When we are in a relationship where we feel listened to and understood, we count ourselves lucky because we know how rare that experience is. We reserve our most intimate selves for the people who, along with us, cocreate an open space where we feel free to express ourselves and listen without judgment. These relationships, which thrive on open communication, can mean the difference between existential loneliness and a deep sense of belonging. We all long to feel heard, understood, and loved, and clear communication makes this possible.  

Sometimes problems arise in the process of expressing how we feel, but it is always worth it to do the work. Even in our less intimate relationships, expressing ourselves honestly is essential to our sense of well-being. Whether at home with family or in the outside world, successful communication requires some forethought; otherwise we risk blundering through our relationships like the proverbial bull in a china shop. However, too much forethought can stifle us or cause us to pad our words so extremely that we end up saying nothing at all or confusing the matter further. The good news is that there are many methods that can come to our rescue, from meditation to visualization to journaling.  

If the person we need to communicate with is open to sitting in meditation together for a set period of time before speaking, this can be invaluable. When we are calm and centered, we can count on ourselves to speak and respond truthfully. We can also meditate on our own time and then practice what we need to say. A visualization in which we sit with the person and lovingly exchange a few words can also be a great precedent to an actual conversation. If writing comes easily, we can write out what we need to say; it may take several drafts, but we will eventually find the words. The key is to find ways to center ourselves so that we communicate meaningfully, lovingly, and wisely. In this way, we honor our companions and create relationships in which there is a genuine sense of understanding and respect.
                        ~ Daily Om


Notes from the Universe

Do you think the most stunning, celebrated, and adept dancer in the entire world, could become so by only ever dancing to the most brilliant, illuminating, and clever music in the world?

Or would they freak, hip-hop, and tango to every riff, beat, and la-bamba within earshot?  

Shall we?
    The Universe


The very best moment in any long journey that makes your dreams come true, comes not on the day you realize they have, but on the day you realize how little they matter compared to loving the adventure they've inspired. 

Don't ask me why, I just know what I know - 
    The Universe


To clarify, the primary roles of LOVE are not to heal, fix, or mend. Not to soothe, cure, or ease. Not even to refresh, rejuvenate, or restore. Hardly.

The primary roles of LOVE, are to "Yahoo!" "Yeehaa!" and "Whoohooo!"  

Get your love on,  
    The Universe


There are no accidents.

If it's appeared on your life radar, this is why: to teach you that dreams come true; to reveal that you have the power to fix what's broken and heal what hurts; to catapult you beyond seeing with just your physical senses; and to lift the veils that have kept you from seeing that you're already the person you dreamed you'd become. 

And believe me, that was one heck of a dream. 

    The Universe


When you realize that by changing your perspective, big things can be seen as little things, it becomes much harder to worry about anything. 

Funky cold medina, 
    The Universe


'The Teachings of Abraham' by Esther and Jerry Hicks

You can say things like, "As I look at successful people, and by that I mean rich people, yes, and I mean happy people, and sometimes they're rich and happy." But when I'm talking about the successful ones, what I really mean is the really happy people. People that are really joyful, that want to get up every day, that are eager to get into their day. Almost without exception, they had a pretty rough beginning, which turned them into a powerful rebel initially. And then they found a way to relax into their natural birthright of Well-being.


Physical human has found many labels that they use, depending on how they feel in the moment, to try to describe their interaction with Nonphysical. We are Source Energy. We are Collective Consciousness - meaning a stream. We are a consensus of many (what you might call) Nonphysical voices. We are that which some have called angel. We are that which some have called God. We are that which some have called Inner Being. But most importantly (and we'll use some of our favorite words again) we are focalized Consciousness, specifically responding to the vibration that you manage in your asking.


Negative emotion is your indicator of resistance, while positive emotion is your indicator of allowance. And they are on the same meter: allowance; resistance. Allowance; resistance.


Enlightenment means literally aligning to the Energy of my Source. And genius is only about focusing. Law of Attraction takes care of everything else. Physical humans often want to make enlightenment about finding some process and moving through the process that has been pre-described. But true enlightenment is moving to the rhythm of the internal inspiration that is coming in response to the individual desire. Enlightenment is about allowing my connection to the Source that is me for the fulfillment of the things that I have individually defined here in my time/space reality. That's as good as it gets!


There's nothing tiny or insignificant. Everything is significant. And everything flows on the same basis of Laws. Whether you are looking at world events or something that's happening in your kitchen drawer, broad and important, or narrow and seemingly insignificant, there's potential for connection or disconnection in either case. And it is only the connection or the disconnection that is of really any importance.

One Minute Motivator by Edward W. Smith

The first time should never be the first time.  If you are going into something new, practice what you are going to do, both physically and mentally.  Run through it as many times as you can, and make sure to do at least the mental part, the imaging, perfectly.  Perfect practice makes perfect, not just practice.  If you imagine yourself doing it wrong, you will do it wrong.  On the other hand, if you imagine yourself doing it right, you will do it right in real life.  So practice, practice, practice before you do something new, and the first time will be your best time. 


In order to help you retain your concentration on something, you need to break the pattern, on occasion.  If you are driving and are getting bored, stop the car and walk around.  If you are reading, stand up and sing.  Do something different from what you are doing, for a moment, and you will regain your concentration.


Make progress.  Strive to move ahead on your goals or at least stay even.  When you think you are failing, or falling behind, you might actually be making progress, if you are learning from your mistakes.  Start each day with the objective of making some progress on what you are trying to accomplish.  Progress doesn't have to be big things, progress can be small things, and the key thing is that the direction is forward.


 You are more qualified than you think.  Most people don't give themselves enough credit for how good they are, when they are considering whether to go for a promotion, try out for a sport, etc.  Chances are, you err on the short side when you list your good qualities and this will hold you back from going for something at the next level.   Rearview your qualifications and good points and err on the positive side, and your life will move ahead faster.


You are never too old.  Stop telling yourself you are too old, the time is always right, for a good idea.  This is the perfect time to do what you want to do, after all if you don't do it today, tomorrow, you may be too old.

Daily Teaching from The Power

What does it mean to be healthy? You may think that being healthy means that you are not sick, but being healthy is far more than that. If you feel okay, or average, or nothing much at all, you are not healthy.

Being healthy is feeling the same way as little children feel. Little children are bursting with energy every day. Their bodies feel light and flexible; moving is effortless. They're light on their feet. Their minds are clear; they're happy, and free of worry and stress. They sleep deeply and peacefully every night, and they wake up feeling completely refreshed, as if with a brand-new body. They feel passionate and excited about every new day. Look at little children and you will see what being healthy really means. It is the way you used to feel, and it is the way you should still feel. 

Whatever you believe about your body, your cells believe too. They don't question anything you think, feel, or believe. In fact, they hear every thought, feeling, and belief you have. If you think or say, 'I always get jetlag when I travel,' your cells receive 'jetlag' as a command, and they must carry out your instructions. Think and feel that you have a weight problem, and your cells receive the order of a weight problem. They must follow your instructions and keep your body in an overweight condition.

You are the ruler of a kingdom, and whatever you think and feel becomes the law of your kingdom -- the law within your body.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Beginning-of-a-brand-new-week nuggets!

Enjoy!!! :-) 


Love is an aspect of being, and when you act from being, the power you draw on is limitless because it comes from the source.
                        ~ Deepak Chopra


Vision - It reaches beyond the thing that is, into the conception of what can be. Imagination gives you the picture. Vision gives you the impulse to make the picture your own.
                        ~ Robert Collier


But possibly I am something more than I suppose myself to be.
                       ~ RenĂ© Descartes


Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.
                        ~ Buddha


Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance toward the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point. Climb slowly, steadily, enjoying each passing moment; and the view from the summit will serve as a fitting climax for the journey.
                        ~ Harold V Melchert


Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
                        ~ Og Mandino


Live it now

If you postpone your joys until later, the opportunities to experience those joys will grow fewer and fewer. If you put off dealing with the problems until later, they will become much more difficult to get beyond.

Choose instead to live life as it comes. Diligently, and without complaints, work through each difficulty as it comes along, and enthusiastically live the opportunities for joy as they appear.

Your world is filled with abundance. And in order to transform that abundance into meaningful value, you must make good use of it as it arrives.

Each moment gives you the opportunity to add richness to your life. Each day brings you new ways to express the unique beauty of who you are.

Live that richness and express that beauty not in some distant, imagined someday. Live it now.

Your life is here today, filled with all kinds of great possibilities for joy and achievement. Get up, get going, and live it now.
                        ~ Ralph Marston


Trial and Error

Learning to Trust Divine Guidance

Keeping an open mind is the most important step when learning to listen to divine guidance.
Anyone who has asked for divine guidance knows that it can be challenging to trust it when it comes. This is because divine guidance comes in many forms and it is sometimes hard to locate it. We aren't sure if we are meant to trust our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, or our intuitions to be the carriers of divine wisdom. We are not sure if advice from a friend is the form in which the guidance has come into the world, or if our own opinion is the source of wisdom we need to take seriously. The ability to sort all this out comes with trial and error, and the best way to learn to recognize divine guidance is to engage in the process of asking and receiving.  

Sometimes when we ask for guidance, we already have a sense of what we want to hear. At such times, receiving guidance can be difficult, because we don't want to hear anything that appears to be in opposition to our desire. Therefore, one of the most important qualities we need to cultivate if we are to receive guidance is an open mind. It helps to acknowledge what we want, and then to symbolically set it aside, making room for whatever wisdom comes through to us.  

Cultivating an active relationship with the divine is the essential ingredient to being able to receive and trust guidance when it comes our way. We can make a daily practice of this by using a set of runes, a deck of cards, or a pendulum. We can also use our journals, developing a relationship with the divine through the written word. As we request and receive guidance, we might take notes on our experiences. Over time we will begin to recognize when we were able to hear correctly and when we were not. In this way, we will gradually attune ourselves to our particular relationship with the divine. Begin to trust the guidance you are receiving and soon you will find it flowing with ease.
                        ~ Daily Om


Notes from the Universe

Sometimes, lifetimes are chosen to be with friends. And sometimes, one friend agrees to be off balance and the other balanced. One teaches stability, the other teaches spontaneity. Win-win, cool-cool.

Gets kind of wonky though, if either starts thinking they're more important to the other, than the other is to them. 

You know? 
    The Universe


No matter how things seem, hope is near and love is present.  

In the house,
    The Universe


Take it from the farmer in me... 

The more seeds you sow, the more plants we'll grow. 

I love wearing overalls,
    The Universe


Remember you once told me that if ever all of the circumstances in your life were aligned just so, your soon-to-be friends were in all the right places at all the right times, and the financial markets, social climate, and global energies had all reached optimal points... you'd want to be gently nudged as a subtle sign that it was time to start doing new things, saying new things, and visualizing so that you might catch these gargantuan waves of change and surf to dazzling new heights?


Hang ten, 
    The Universe


You know that dreamy look of deep, soulful love you've sometimes seen in the eyes of another as they gazed into your own? Expect a lot more of it. 

    The Universe


The Teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Whatever you're thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you're worrying, you are planning. When you're appreciating you are planning...What are you planning?

Our Source Is One of Love, Not Condemnation...When you pay attention to the way you feel, and deliberately choose more thoughts that feel good while you think them, you will begin to recognize the nature of your Broader Non-Physical desires. The majority of negative emotions that you feel are not because the subject of your thought is wrong, but instead, because you are condemning something that your Source does not condemn. Your Source is one of love, not one of condemnation.


Let your dominant intent be to feel good which means be playful, have fun, laugh often, look for reasons to appreciate and practice the art of appreciation. And as you practice it, the Universe, who has been watching you practice, will give you constant opportunities to express it. So that your life just gets better and better and better.


 The content of your vibration equals how you feel right now. And whether you're thinking about the past, the present, or the future, how you feel right now — as you think about the past, the present, or the future — is your life. And it's a precious, fabulous, creative life that you are not wanting to squander in a place of resistance. Your life is right now.


Every physical being on this planet is your partner in co-creation, and if you could accept that and appreciate the diversity of desires and beliefs, all of you would have a more expansive, satisfying, fulfilling experience.


One Minute Motivator by Edward W. Smith

Beware of success.  Success is what we all want, but it brings special problems.  We stop learning and make more mistakes, we stop being "hungry" and we get sloppy.  If you are successful, that is great, but keep on doing what you were doing before you were successful, so you can keep the momentum going and stay successful.


Value this day. Today is all you have and you are lucky to have it, no matter how it is going at this moment. Look back at your life and you will see many days you wish you had enjoyed instead of getting caught up in all the daily craziness.  Happiness is in your head, so put a positive spin on what is going on around you, and value every moment you have, plus value everything around you such as your friends and all the other things you care about.


Make your dominant thoughts, positive ones.  As we move through the day, certain thoughts or moods seem to rule us.  These thoughts can be positive or negative and they can become self-fulfilling.   Make those dominate thoughts, thoughts that will help you, thoughts that will build your self confidence and will help you move ahead with your life.


 If you can't see yourself accomplishing your goals, surround yourself with people who can.  You need people who will support you, tell you to go for it, and give you reasons you can accomplish your goals. On the other hand, make every effort to disassociate yourself  from negative people, as they just pull you down.


Leave yourself no choice.  If you want to move ahead, sometimes you are better off thinking that you have no choice, but to move forward.  Having too many choices can confuse us and lull us into believing we don't have much pressure to make the right choice or move quickly. Having no choice, but to move ahead puts a clear focus on what you must do and how quickly you must do it.  Cut your options and you will move  ahead faster.


Daily Teaching from The Power

Love is Truth

When you were a little child, you were flexible and fluid because you had not formed or accepted as many negative beliefs about life. As you got older, you took on more feelings of limitation and negativity, which caused you to become more set in your ways and less flexible. This is not an amazing life; this is a limited life.

The more you love, the more the force of love will melt away negativity in your body and in your mind. And you can feel love melting away everything negative when you're happy, grateful and joyful. You can feel it! You feel light, you feel invincible, and you feel on top of the world.

As you give more and more love, you will notice changes start to happen to your body. Food will taste better, colors will get brighter, sounds will become clearer, moles or little marks on your body will begin to fade and disappear. Your body will begin to feel more flexible; stiffness and little creaks will begin to vanish. When you give love and experience miracles in your body, you will be left in no doubt that love is the source of your health! 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

TGIF! Juiciest of the juicy weekend nuggets....Enjoy, have a glorious weekend and wishing all Mothers a wonderful Mother's Day! :-)


There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally.
                        ~ Don Miguel Ruiz


The belief that happiness has to be deserved has led to centuries of pain, guilt and deception. You do not deserve happiness; you choose happiness.
                        ~ Robert Holden


Look deeper into the actions you take and the truths you take for granted. Ask why and then ask why again."
                        ~ Walter Mosley


Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.
                        ~ Albert Einstein


‎Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come for miles to watch you burn!
                        ~ John Wesley


What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life." “Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough”. 
                        ~ Oprah Winfrey


Courage, like fear, is a habit. The more you do it, the more you do it, and this habit—of stepping up, of taking action—more than anything else, will move you in a different direction.
                        ~ Tony Robbins


A life well lived

Pleasure is nice, but it is never enough. Material wealth can be immensely helpful, but brings no fulfillment of its own accord.

Power can give great satisfaction to your ego. Yet a life lived solely in the service of ego ends up being small and pathetic.

What truly makes life good is the commitment you put into making life good. What makes life good is the experience of making a difference.

There is much that’s already been given to you by virtue of your existence, and there is much more that may or may not be given to you. What matters at the core of your spirit, though, is not what you have but what you do with it.

No person, situation, event or possession can give you fulfillment. What brings about real fulfillment is your participation in bringing it about.

Life’s rewards are not what you long for. What you long for is to genuinely earn your own significance.

Every moment is an opportunity to do so. Treasure each of those opportunities, make full use of them, and you will have the priceless experience of a life well lived.
                        ~ Ralph Marston


Remaining Loving When All Our Triggers Go Off

The entire universe revolves around relationships. From the interactions between atoms to the ones between planetary orbs, everything around us is connected. Energies and organisms that relate to each other surround us every day. Links are made between nations and between individual hearts.

By increasing our awareness of the interdependent relationships we all share in the world, we learn how to best honor them. It is an approach to living that supports harmonious co-existence between all species everywhere, equally.

What is the quality of our connections with others? And how do we choose to act within those relationships?

Most of us will reply that we wish to act lovingly and peacefully in our relationships with others. It is easy to act loving and peaceful when nothing is challenging us. But how good are we at loving when all our buttons are getting pushed and our feathers ruffled?

How deep does our love and peace really go? It is authentic? Or is it just a superficial display of how we think we are supposed to act? Is it consistent? Or does it evaporate the minute we’re being confronted with our own weaknesses or those of others?

Most of the battles we’ll face in our lives are already occurring within us. Our exchanges with others only activate them. How will we act when this happens - when the outside world triggers our own internal fears, and doubts, and insecurities? This is when our behavior counts the most, and when it is hardest to act in ways that engage love and peace.

Our interactions with others could either increase the quality of our lives, or kill us! How does the flower of our consciousness blossom within relationships that feel like concrete?

Perhaps the best way to test how deeply absorbed we are spiritually is to test how loving and peaceful we can remain while faced with conflicts and tensions within relationships. Fearless, loving movement through the most challenging parts of our relationships with others is the secret formula for navigating through the tensions in our relationships gracefully. Where there is love and light, fear and doubt dissipate. 

Love is not mere sentimentality that can often obscure the way we see ourselves, and others. Instead, love is deeply illuminating, like realized knowledge. True love is not fleeting. It holds us in its continual absorption. It connects us to what is true.

The question is this: What are we choosing to connect with?

We want to connect with what makes us feel good, and we want to escape experiences that make us uncomfortable. On a very primal level, all human beings are programmed to seek out pleasure and recoil from pain. Death, or impermanence makes human beings most uncomfortable.

Endings in life can be most unpleasant: the ending of our youth, the ending of a marriage, the ending of a friendship, the ending of something we derived great pleasure from, and the ending of the life of a loved one, or our own life. Every time we are forced to face the ending of something. We are also forced to face the parts of us that are clinging onto it.

We are asked to look at our human tendency to identify with what’s impermanent, and examine how our investment in it cripples our own progress. This happens to all of us most powerfully within our relationships with others. Sometimes the end of a relationship can feel like the end of our very life. And when it’s taken from us, we feel as if our shelter from life’s storms has been pulled out from over us.

There are two passages through which we can move through and beyond our clinginess to the impermanent: one of darkness and one of light.

The path of light is dynamic and represents growth, evolution and progress. Darkness represents stagnation and returns us to relive the same experiences over and over again. This becomes most obvious to us in relationships, when we see ourselves stuck in repetitive patterns with others. How to break out of this cycle can be bewildering. We become bewildered when faced with all kinds of imminent deaths before us. This is human nature.

There is light and there is darkness. Which force will you choose to align your actions with?

Relationships are therefore one of the main fields in our lives that test our dedication to our spiritual practice. If we can exercise love, even when feeling bewildered before imminent, unavoidable deaths, in the midst of discord and tension, within the relationships that matter most to us in life, then we can connect with the peace that our spiritual practice brings us anywhere!
                        ~ Catherine Ghosh and Braja Sorensen 


Do you remember in the Star Wars movies the great wisdom that came through the little character, Yoda? 

One of his wisdom teachings has stayed with me a long time. I want to offer it to you today. 

Luke is asking the wise one, "How do I know the right decision to make? Among all the many decisions, how do I know the one that will be with the Force?" 

Yoda looks at him and he says, "You will know through peace and calm. You will know you're on the right track when you're not feeling frantic, when you're not feeling anxious, when you're not struggling with different parts of yourself. When you get to the right answer and the right decision that is yours, there will be a peace and calm that will come within you and radiate from you." 

So, as we make decisions, follow insights, hunches and gut feelings, may we look for that peace and calm that is the confirmation that we are following our IGS - Inner Guidance System. And if we miss a turn, we can always know that IGS will continue to ask us to turn around and proceed down the road that will get us to our destination.

We can trust and know that peace and calm is our compass and our comfort.

Inner Guidance never causes harm to the self or to others. The process of listening to your Inner Guidance is simply about remembering to relax and wait for inspiration.

Watch this movie as many times as you need to achieve Inner Guidance and Peace.

All you ever need do is ask, be quiet and the answer will be provided. When it is a divine answer, it is always easier than you initially perceived.

Divine Ideas never conflict. Divine Ideas align. Pray, ask, seek alignment: P-E-A-C-E
                        ~ Mary Robinson Reynolds 


Daily Om

Undistracted Energy
Pure Thoughts

The longer we are able to hold a positive thought, the stronger that energy around us becomes.
If we make no effort at all, our thoughts usually scatter in a vast array of directions. They start and stop and move in surprising ways from one second to the next. If we try to follow our thoughts without controlling them, we will be amazed at how truly inconsistent they are. Yet, if we apply our minds to a specific task, especially one that interests us, they gather together and allow us to focus our attention, creating great power and energy. This is what is known as pure thought, because it is undistracted.  

The law of attraction ~ like attracts like ~ influences all energy, including our thoughts, and this is what makes pure thought so potent. Our undistracted thoughts create a powerful magnet that draws similar energy into our vibrational field. As a result, the longer we are able to hold positive thoughts in our minds, the more powerful the positive energy around us becomes. We don�t need to focus on action and controlling so much when we are surrounded by energy that draws what we want toward us. We can simply respond to the opportunities that naturally come our way. When this is the essence of our experience, we can go with the flow, knowing that we will be okay.

If pure thought is a body, it is our emotions that supply the heart that can really bring it to life. Our thoughts and feelings exist in relation to one another, and they form a feedback loop through which they communicate and empower each other. When we hold a thought in our mind without being distracted, we have achieved pure thought. When we have a positive emotional response to that thought, we enable it to dance and move and breathe itself into existence.


The Power Within
Energy 101

Energy cannot be destroyed, but it be changed and transformed.
There is an undercurrent of energy thrumming through the Universe. Like the wind or a whisper, we can sometimes hear it and often feel it. Most of the time, we sense this energy unconsciously without any tangible proof it is really there. Thoughts, emotions, and the life force in all living things are forms of this kind of energy. So are creativity, growth, and change. The impressions, images, and vague premonitions we get about people and situations are other examples of formless energy. When you enter a space and feel an intangible tension in the air that gives you a sense of foreboding in your gut, what you are likely experiencing is energy.  

Energy cannot be destroyed, but it can be transformed or transferred from one person, thing, or source to another. Though energy is formless, it does take form and shape in the way it flows and resides within all things:  a grain of sand, a bird, a stone, and an ocean wave. Living things radiate complex vibrations while nonliving things' vibrations are simpler. Energy is a magnifier that can attract like energies while repelling disparate ones. Many of our reactions to people and circumstances are based on unconscious reactions to their energies. We may even intuitively tune into the energy of a situation we are facing when making a decision about how to proceed. With careful practice and meditation, we can learn to sense the energy within other living things and ourselves. We can also become more attuned to how we are impacted by different kinds of energy. For instance, being around too many energies can leave one person feeling edgy or excited, while another person will feel tired and drained.  

While some people feel that energy can be controlled, others see it is as the unknowable force that moves through all things. The combined energy in all things plays a hand in birth, death, growth, movement, and stillness. Practitioners of Aikido believe that all living beings share a common energy source that is our life force. Whatever your beliefs, it is worthwhile to explore the roles energy plays in your life so you can understand it more fully.


Notes from the Universe

Remember, you will always have friends, guides, and love, but no one is coming to "save you."

That's the adventure package you signed up for.

The one that comes with all the superpowers, guaranteed rebounding abilities, and the all-powerful scrunched-nose-when-you-smile. 

Your 5 Star Time-Space Adventure Tour Agency Manager,
    The Universe


Very often, when tides start turning, great gears start shifting, and gusting winds start blowing at the onset of a really wonderful dream's alignment with your present life, there is commotion, unpredictability, even turmoil. 

So, hey, let's always assume that's the case whenever you experience commotion, unpredictability, even turmoil. K? 

    The Universe


Some of the coolest dreams that ever came true weren't dreams at all, but standards that simply weren't compromised. 

Oh yeah, we takin' over... 
    The Universe


Actually, if you understood the extraordinary gifts every single challenge in your life makes possible, even inevitable, you'd celebrate your challenges, new and old alike, as the omens that they are of new beginnings, spectacular change, and enhanced superpowers. 

Perfect for where you are, huh? 
    The Universe


As good as you've been, as on as you were, as high as you got, and as easy as it was, things will still be better.

Payback, baby -  
    The Universe


'The Teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks'

It is not attention to lack of wellness that makes you sick. It is attention to the lack of many things… Chronic attention to unwanted things holds you in a place of disallowing your physical well-being, as well as disallowing the solutions to other things you are focused upon. If you would focus your attention upon the experience of physical well-being as much as you focus upon the absence of it, not only would your recovery come quickly, but maintaining your physical well-being and balance would also be easy.


The Universe is not punishing you or blessing you. The Universe is responding to the vibrational attitude that you are emitting. The more joyful you are, the more Well-being flows to you — and you get to choose the details of how it flows.


It is so wonderful, when someone gets an idea and is able to hold it purely enough that an entire movement or corporation will follow in behind it, because the movement of that Energy benefits everyone.


You live in a pulsating, vibrating Universe of advanced harmonics. Everything that exists, in your air, in your dirt, in your water, and in your bodies, is vibration in motion—and all of it is managed by the powerful Law of Attraction. There is nothing that exists outside of this vibrational nature, and as you learn to accept your vibrational nature, and begin to consciously utilize your emotional vibrational indicators, you will gain conscious control of your personal creations and of the outcomes of your life experience.


Parents can't choose the mates of their children or the behavior of their children. You actually can't choose anything for your children without disempowering them.


One Minute Motivator by Edward W. Smith 
Find something to be happy now for.  Don't wait till "if" or "when" something happens, until you will be happy.  Whatever you are waiting for is probably a ways off. Enjoy where you are now; enjoy the process you are going through, enjoy the moment.  If you wait till conditions are just right to be happy, you are limiting your enjoyment of life.  What you are waiting for may never come, but now is here in this moment.


Take more chances in your life.  They don't have to be big risks, but you need to learn to take more chances if you want a different outcome in your life.  Not everything will work out, but the fact that you are taking risks, even if small ones, will add excitement to your life and give you some payoffs in terms of getting what you want.


Don't limit yourself in any area.  Usually we are our own worst enemy, as far as holding ourselves back.  We are constantly telling ourselves we can't do his or that and we limit what we attempt, and this in turn limits what we get.  Examine what your limits are, and who put those limits on you.  Take small steps to expand your limits and your self-confidence will grow and you will get many payoffs, as a result of doing things you didn't think you could do.


Make mistakes.  You learn from mistakes, you build confidence that you can fix things that go wrong and you learn to take more chances.  Don't hold yourself back in an attempt to be perfect, take chances with the knowledge that you can usually fix things and get payoffs from things that you didn't think would work.


You have knowledge and experience, you don't give yourself credit for. Taping into this knowledge and experience can help you solve problems you have been struggling with. Learn to trust your judgment and you will build your self-confidence as well as make better decisions. All this will come from using something you already had inside you.


Daily Teaching from The Power

You Really Are as Old as You Feel

Ancient texts say that people once lived for hundreds and hundreds of years. Some lives for eight hundred years, some lived for five or six hundred years, but longevity was commonplace. So what's happened? People changed what they believed. Instead of believing in living for hundreds and hundreds of years, people changed their beliefs over generations, and they came to believe in a reduced life expectancy.

We have inherited those beliefs of a reduced life expectancy. From the time we are born, the belief of how long we can live has been sewn into the fabric of our minds and our hearts. And from there we literally program our bodies from an early age to live for a certain amount of time, and our bodies age according to how we program them.

"The is nothing in biology yet found that indicates the inevitability of death. This suggests to me that it is not at all inevitable and that it is only a matter of time before biologists discover what it is that is causing us the trouble."
                        ~ Richard Feynman (1918-1988)
                        Nobel Prize-Winning Quantum Physicist

If you possibly can, don't put a ceiling on how long you can live. All it will take is one person to break the limits of life expectancy, and that person will change the course of life expectancy for all humanity. One person after another will follow, because when one person lives far beyond the current life expectancy, other people will believe and feel they can do it too, and they will!

When you believe and feel that aging and deterioration are inevitable, then they will happen. Your cells, your organs and your body receive your beliefs and feelings. Feel  young and stop feeling your age. Feeling your age is just a belief you've been given and a program you've given to your body. You can change the command you're giving whenever you want, by changing what you believe!

How do you change your beliefs? By giving love! Negative beliefs, such as beliefs of limitation, aging, or disease, do not come from love. When you give love, when you feel good, love melts away any negativity, including negative beliefs that harm you.
"The love that gushes for all is the real elixir of life - the fountain of bodily longevity. It is the lack of this that always produces the feeling of age."
                        ~ Josiah Gilbert Holland (1819-1881)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Weekend nuggets!!!

TGIF! a plethora of wonderfully juicy nuggets to let marinate and enjoy!!! :-) 


When people undermine your dreams, predict your doom, or criticize you, remember they're telling you their story, not yours.
                        ~ Cynthia Occelli


When we heal ourselves, others are healed. When we nurture our dreams, we give birth to the dreams of humankind. When we speak the Truth from our healed hearts, we allow life abundant to continue on our Mother Planet.
                        ~ Jami Sams


You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don't.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.
                        ~ Rumi


We are all interconnected through the spirit, so whenever we
are kind to another, support another, laugh with another, we bless ourselves. Today bless your spirit by blessing another. Today tell someone you love their spirit.
It will surprise and delight them, and in turn you as well. the more we do this with one another the more light and joy we bring to this beautiful planet of ours.
                        ~ Sonia Choquette


When the deepest part of you becomes engaged in what you are are doing what you were meant to be doing.
                        ~ Gary Zukav


Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.                         ~ Eckhart Tolle


Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.
                        ~ Mahatma Gandhi


‎There were no boundaries or borders. It was as if my mind had once long ago made up a story about separate objects with boundaries but the story wasn’t true. The true story is that there is a luminous, spacious energy that flows through everything all the time. It’s within matter, within things as well as within space, and you can tune in to it at any time, just like changing the frequency on the radio. There is no distance between this essence and ourselves. It is not otherworldly. it is right here, closer than our own flesh.
                        ~ Vijali Hamilton


Love anyway. . .for no reason. . .and give. . .just because.

1.  Look at life as a journey and enjoy the ride.  Get the most out of the detours and realize they're sometimes necessary.

2.  Do your best, but if what you're doing has caused you discouragement, try a different approach.  Be passionate about the process, but don't be so attached to the outcome.

3.  Wish the best for everyone, with no personal strings attached.  Applaud someone else's win as much as you would your own.

4.  Trust that there's a divine plan, that we don't always know what's best for us.  A disappointment now could mean a victory later, so don't be disappointed.  There is usually a reason.

5.  Ask no more of yourself than the best that you can do, and be satisfied with that.  Be compassionate towards yourself as well as others.  Know your calling, your gift, and do it well.

6.  Don't worry about something after it's done; it's out of your hands then, too late, over!  Learn the lesson and move on.

7.  Have the attitude that no one, except you, owes you anything.  Give without expecting a thank-you in return.  But when someone does something for you, be appreciative of even the smallest gesture.

8.  Choose your thoughts or your thoughts will choose you; they will free you or keep you bound.  Educate your spirit and give it authority over your feelings.

9.  Judge no one, and disappointment and forgiveness won't be an issue.  No one can let you down if you're not leaning on them.  People can't hurt you unless you allow them to.

10.  Love anyway. . . for no reason. . . and give. . . just because.
                        ~ Donna Fargo


Unmatched joy

It is in the living that life gains more and more meaning. It is from the challenges, obstacles, disappointments and persistent efforts that life’s achievements gain their value.

If you wish to enjoy success, don’t seek to shortcut the process. If you wish to be kind, compassionate and helpful to others, don’t enable them to shortcut the process.

Living well is not the same as living easy and carefree. Being truly rich does not come from being irresponsible, nor does it enable you to avoid responsibility.

You can have mountains of money and possessions and still be very poor. Life’s real richness is not about what you have, but rather about how much authentic goodness and fulfillment you express.

You may indeed find superficial pleasure in many things. Yet what gives true joy and fulfillment to your spirit is what you have earned with integrity and responsibility.

It gains you nothing to have everything if you have not put your effort and commitment into it. Step up, take full responsibility for creating real value in your world, and experience the unmatched joy of making a difference.
                        ~ Ralph Marston


Daily Om

Noticing Synchronicity
Interconnected Experiences

Things happen in our lives for a reason, even if that reason is not clear to you right away.

When events appear to fit together perfectly in our lives it may seem at first that they are random occurrences, things that are the result of coincidence. These synchronous happenings, though, are much more than that, for, if we look at them more closely they can show us that the universe is listening to us and gently communicating with us. Learning to pay attention to and link the things that occur on a daily basis can be a way for us to become more attuned to the fact that most everything happens in our lives for a reason ~ even when that reason is not clear right away.

When we realize that things often go more smoothly than we can ever imagine, it allows us to take the time to reflect on the patterns in our lives. Even events that might not at first seem to be related to each other are indicators that the universe is working with, not against, us. This idea of synchronicity, then, means that we have to trust there is more to our lives than what we experience on a physical level. We need to be willing to look more closely at the bigger picture, accepting and having confidence in the fact that there is more to our experiences than immediately meets the eye. Being open to synchronicity also means that we have to understand that our lives are filled with both positive and negative events. Once we can recognize that one event is neither more desirable nor better than the other -- they all have an overall purpose in our lives -- then we are truly ready to listen to the messages the universe gives us.

While we may not be able to see everything in our lives as being synchronous, we can certainly use hindsight to be more aware of how the universe guides us. This sense of wonder at the mysteries of the universe and the interconnectedness present in our lives will help us see our overall ways of being and will in turn make it easier to work more consciously towards our spiritual evolution.

Enjoying Life
Remembering the Moment

It is only in the present moment that we experience being alive.

Life, in all of its fullness, is happening right now. While our thoughts are sometimes elsewhere, beautiful opportunities and moments are being passed over and lost to the flow of time. And though we cannot possibly fully experience each leaf that falls to the ground, sometimes we get so attached to reaching our goals that we don't pay attention to the wonder all around us. When we do that, we live in a world that exists only in our heads, while we miss life itself. There is so much to be enjoyed and appreciated that we need to remember to pay attention to the present moment, because it is the only space in which we can experience being alive.

We learn from our past, but dwelling on it keeps us from being fully present to life in the moment. We create our lives with our thoughts, but focusing so firmly on our imagined future keeps us from co-creating with the universe, so we might never allow ourselves to live our dreams as they manifest. It's possible to be so happy and comfortable in our inner worlds that we lose touch with the business of life. We may enjoy spending large portions of time in meditation, or focused on our thoughts.

Life must be attended to, and if we are wise, we can enjoy it at the same time. We can awaken ourselves to the moment we are living right now by taking a deep breath and simply looking around. In doing so, we refocus our attention to our location in the real world. Then we can learn to appreciate the process of working toward our goals as much as their attainment. Balancing ourselves between the present moment and eternity, we can experience and enjoy the full range of reality available to us as spiritual beings living on earth.


Notes from the Universe

One little known secret to making precisely the right move, at precisely the right time in your life, is knowing that in all cases, there is more than one right move and more than one right time. Lots and lots more.

In other words, no matter what you do next, or when, so long as you do something, I'll meet you there, smooth the edges, polish the grill, and connect the dots.

    The Universe


Persistent thought is your ticket.

Persistent gratitude makes it easy.

And persistent action tells one and all, "There ain't no way, honey, I'm settling for less."

I notice these things.

    The Universe


In virtually all person-to-person relationships, disappointments can be lessened, setbacks can be regained, and little annoyances can be brushed off, when one stops and realizes that such relationships are always temporary.

Physically speaking.

    The Universe


You know, I once had a dream that didn't come true. I know how that is. Ouch!!  Painful!! Humiliating!!

Until I realized, it wasn't too late to dream something better.

It's never too late -
    The Universe


One thing I know for sure is that with time everything becomes clear, all questions are answered, what's broken is restored, new trails are blazed, hearts are mended, love returns, and you will look over your shoulder, with a tear in your eye, at life's utter perfection.

And best of all, time is one thing you have plenty of. Trust me.

    The Universe


Plan the celebration now. Sweep the floor. Clean the slate. Pick a date.

Window shop, buy a few things, go out on a limb.

Rearrange the furniture, pick some flowers, take some time off.

No, no, not necessarily because the tipping point has been reached... but because this is how you reach it.

How's today looking?
    The Universe


'The Teachings of Abraham' by Esther and Jerry Hicks

When you ask, it is given, every single time, no exceptions. You are beloved, blessed Beings who deserve good things—but it takes a self-convincing before you will allow good things.
What I think and feel and what I get are always a match. And so, if I want something different than what I've been getting, I have to, somehow, generate different feelings.


If you examine your history, you cannot help but repeat it! Law of Attraction says it is so: "Whatever I am looking at, I am including in my vibration."


When you try to justify where you are by pointing out how bad things are, you are headed in the wrong direction. Reach for the thought that feels better, And allow the natural Well-Being that is yours.


You will never find yourself in a point in time when the subject of relationships is not an active part of your now experience, for everything you perceive or notice or know is because of your relationship with something else. Without a comparative experience, you would be unable to perceive or focus any kind of understanding within yourself. Therefore, it is accurate to say that without relationships you could not exist at all.


Every time you praise something, every time you appreciate something, every time you feel good about something, you are telling the Universe, "More of this, please. More of this, please." You need never again make another verbal statement of this intent, and if you were allowing your cork to float — all good things would flow to you.


One Minute Motivator by Edward W. Smith

Don't use "I am too old" for an excuse.  People that were "too old" have accomplished many of the greatest achievements in the world.  If you say you are "too old", you are giving up growing and living, and it is just one more excuse for not doing something.  Usually being at the point where you are "too old" means you have an incredible base of knowledge and experience and at the very least you have discovered the many ways NOT to do something.  It would be a real waste not to use this for yourself and share it with others. You are never "too old" to be your best.


Never settle for less.  In your heart, you know you can do better in some situations, but you coast, or take the easy way out.  Maybe you have other more pressing priorities, and that is O.K., but what if that is your standard operating method?  If you settle for less, you cheat your self out of more knowledge, more experience and more rewards and you rob your self-esteem, which undercuts you when you really want to do your best.  So never settle for less, do your best, every chance you get.

Pick one of your flaws and start working on it NOW.  Everyone has flaws, but not everyone acknowledges them and even fewer people work to improve on them.  If you take one of your flaws and begin to work on it, your life will begin to get better right away.  Don't wait, don't spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to work on, just pick something you need to improve on and start Now.  Your life will get better in many ways, just because of this first step.


Watch what YOU want to watch.  Research indicates that 70% of the people watching TV. are not watching something they are interested in, they are just watching. Many of us run our whole life that way.  We go through life not interested in what we see; yet somehow, we don't seem able to switch to something we are interested in.  Take control of your life and start moving towards things you are interested in. Take the extra effort to go to the library, surf the net, research what is on the radio, make new friends, etc and move towards things that excite you.


Daily Teaching from The Power

Every moment you feel love for your health, the force of love is eliminating any negativity in your body! If you find it difficult to feel good about your health, all that matters is that you feel love for anything, so surround yourself with everything you love, and use those things to feel as good as you can. Use everything you can in the outside world so that you feel love. Watch movies that make you laugh and feel good, not movies that make you feel tense or sad. Listen to music that makes you feel good. Get people to tell you jokes that make you laugh, or have them tell you funny stories about their most embarrassing moments. You know the things you love. You know your favorite things. You know what makes you happy, so draw on them all and feel as good as you can. Use the Creation Process. Use the Keys to Power. Remember it only takes giving love and good feelings a minimum of 51 percent of the time to reach the tipping point and change everything!

If you want to help somebody who is ill, you can use the Creation Process and imagine and feel full health being rendered to them. Although you cannot override what another person is giving to the law of attraction, your power can help them rise to a frequency where they can receive health.

Beauty Comes from Love

"As love grows in your, beauty grows too. For love is the beauty of the soul."
                        ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430)
                        Theologian and Bishop

All beauty comes from the force of love. Unlimited beauty is available to you through love, but the problem is that most people find fault and criticize their body more than they appreciate it. Looking at your faults and being unhappy about anything about your body does not bring beauty to you! All it brings is more faults and more unhappiness.

The beauty business is enormous, yet unlimited beauty is being poured down to you in every second. But you have to give love to receive it! The happier you are, the more beautiful you will be. Lines will fade, skin will tighten and begin to glow, hair will become thicker and stronger, eyes will begin to sparkle, and their color will intensify. And more than anything else, you will see the proof that beauty comes from love when people are drawn to you wherever you go.